Monday 23 January 2012

Why Do I Ride..??

Soul Searching the reason for "Riding" the Motorcycle..

  • Being one with nature
  • Like the feel of wind in my hair
  • Gives a sense of freedom
These are some of the esoteric cliches that I often hear when someone is quizzed "Why do you ride..??" To me, the above reasons actually sound more like..

  • Being one with nature..
    "Get Wet when it rains, Sweat when it's Hot & Freeze when it's Cold."
  • Like the feel of wind in my hair..
    "You are not wearing a Helmet."
  • Gives a sense of freedom..
    "From depending on Public Transport to get you places."

According to me, a few straight forward answers would actully be (in the "desi" context)
  • Can't afford a car right now
  • Ideal to commute from A-B
  • Tour/Visit/Experience new places
  • I think, I can make the Chicks/Girls look at me
  • Makes me feel "Definitely Male"/a "Hunk".
  • Gives that daily dose of Adrenaline Rush..!!
Honestly even I subscribe to a few of the above straight forward reasons. But somehow it still doesn't quite give me a strong explanation for my urge to get on the saddle. Maybe "If I have to explain it, you wouldn't understand."(found here..)

But let me try to give at least one reason as to..

"Why do I ride..?"
Why Do I Ride a Motorcycle..??

"I Ride maybe because its the closest that I can come to experience flying.."

Now why do you ride..??


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