Saturday 14 January 2012


Answer to the frequently asked question: "Which bike is faster among the Pulsar 220, the Yamaha R15, the Hero Honda Karizma ZMR and the TVS Apache RTR 180

There were  number of drag sessions (between the Yamaha R15, Bajaj Pulsar 220 and the TVS Apache RTR 180 and ZMR) and here are the results

1. Pulsar 220 DTS-i v/s Apache RTR 180: Pulsar 220 is quicker in outright as well as roll-on acceleration

2. Apache RTR 180 V/s Yamaha R15: Apache RTR (180) is quicker till 105km/hr but post those speeds Yamaha R15 catches up really quickly and there's no stopping it once it gets past those speeds. I would say both are evenly matched when it comes to overall performance with R15 having a better top end. Newer Yamaha R15's are slower as compared to the older ones

3. Pulsar 220 DTS-i is a speed/torque monster and it will mince both the bikes!!

4.Karizma ZMR vs R15 vs RTR 180 : Karizma has low peak power output , R15 will mince both RTR 180 and ZMR, Hero Honda Karizma ZMR definitely has a lower top speed than the Yamaha R15 and probably would be neck to neck with the Apache RTR 180.

On a stretch of 1.5 km stretch at full throttle and this are the "Speedo indicated" top speeds that I managed to clock in each of the bikes.

- 1. Pulsar 220: 142 Kmph.

2. Yamaha R15: 135 Kmph.

3.Apache RTR 180 : 126 Kmph.

4. Hero Honda Karizma ZMR: 125 Kmph.

The manufacturers claimed top speeds for the following models are:

1. Pulsar 220 DTS-i: 144 Kmph

2. Hero Honda Karizma ZMR: 125/126 Kmph

3. TVS Apache RTR 180: 124 Kmph

4. Yamaha R15: [no top speed claimed]

Among the four mentioned bikes the Pulsar 220 might be the Drag King but there are other aspects too on which the other bikes score brownie points.

The engine of the Karizma ZMR feels the most relaxed even at full throttle and feels like you can do these speeds whole day long. The R15 has the sharpest and the best handling here and feels like a bike designed for twists and turns of the race track. The RTR feels quite peppy due to its light weight and is the easiest to ride in traffic due to its compact dimensions.

But the answer to the question about which is the "Fastest Indian" made bike in a straight line, the answer is the Pulsar 220.

But as for the present scenario, the Honda CBR250R will in all take the crown from the Pulsar 220



If u can take Honda CBR 250 into picture , why can't N250R .Sureley tht will the fastest Indian not CBR 250 R

Kenny Dude what he meant by the comment is the FASTEST bike Made in India, and the listed bikes above are made in India. Other than The Kawasaki which is imported as C.K.D and Put together here!

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